Regency Fashion ~ April

Ooops, sorry I'm late. Down to the wire on edits. Don't forget the Regency Ramble is moving house to

Fashions for April

Are we expecting snow? Well I doubt that they were in London, but we have it here in Toronto today. And its not April fool's day.

These are from the 1810 La Belle Assemblee

Evening Dress.
A robe of amaranthus figured sarsnet, made to sit high in the neck, with a full cuff of lace; long sleeves with short loose tops trimmed with swansdown. A turban of amaranthus crape and velvet. Gold brooch and earrings. Swansdown muff. White kid gloves and shoes. Hair in light ringlet curls.

Evening Dress.
A round dress of white muslin made high over the bosom, with short sleeves trimmed with lace, and ornamented round the bottom with three rows of small tucks. A spotted ermine tippet. A cap composed of fluted satin and lace, bound in tight to the head, and ornamented with a full bunch of apple blossoms. Earrings and broach of gold. Gloves and shoes of white kid. Hair in light round curls.

Curls come other than round? Who new. I guess they mean what I call kiss curls. Remember those?

And if we were dressing in swansdown and fur in 1810. outside in 1817 we were looking like this:

From La Belle Assemblee April 1817.

Walking Dress

Round dress of fine cambric, under a pelisse of emerald-green reps sarsnet, ornamented and faced with flutings of green and white satin, elegantly finished by British silk trimming; the waist girt by a rich silk cordon of the same manufacture, with full tassels. Spring bonnet of green curled silk, the crown and ornaments of white satin and emerald-green, to correspond with the pelisse. Green satin half boots and Limerick gloves. Berlin ridicule of green and white satin.

The only comment I had about this one was - its very green.

Until next time, Happy Rambles.